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Battlestar Galactica – Can Emotions Die?

I’ll be the first to admit it, I’m a total Sci Fi nerd.  And I’ve been watching that TV show Battlestar Galactica…I won’t get into details about what the show’s about, but I’m on season 3 and the show has got me thinking about emotions.

There’s a certain spectrum of emotions that people feel and some people can and will live their entire lives without feeling certain emotions–and that’s a good thing in most cases, kinda.  A white, middle class, christian, protestant, male, etc, will most likely never know the feeling of oppression.  An African-American who grew up down south in the 1950’s, someone who’s still alive today, carries with him the memory of those emotions, the memory of what it FEELS like to be oppressed.   Like cigarette smoke on a carpet, it will always be there and you can’t wash or beat it out.  But here’s my question…

If only certain people feel an emotion, and if a society learns its lesson and never oppresses again, then once those last few oppressed die, does the feeling die with them?

If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound?

If a feeling exists but no one’s there to feel it, does it still exist?

What does that mean about emotions if they can be killed?  And if they can’t?  Could there be undiscovered emotions or ones that have become extinct?

I think I can give the best answer by paraphrasing a once great General.  “Emotions don’t die, they just fade away into the twilight.’  So I suppose it’s up to use to propagate certain emotions and to force others into the twilight.

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Bright Yellow Sun – Original Poem


Of my countrymen
I dreamed,
All of us looking
At each other
In different ways
Beneath white clouds,
On a tiny blue planet,
Rotating around
A bright yellow sun.

Me, my fellow Americans
And all creatures:
Laughing, crying,
Hurting? and loving?

We spin
And the rotation
Is felt
From planet to planet
And universe to universe
Nothing can stop our rotation
From being touched
By everything,
And nothing ever will

Michael Anthony is an Iraq War Veteran and is the Author of: Mass Casualties: A Young Medic’s True Story of Death, Destruction, and Dishonor in Iraq.


Related Poems:

American Soldier Poem.

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Veteran Wellness and The War Within – Guest Post – Part 2

The Veteran Code of Health’s fourth chapter focuses on Nutrition.  After subsisting on military rations for any extended period of time, the definition for what qualifies as food could easily get distorted.  Yet with the body turning over approximately two billion red blood cells every second, you literally are what you eat.  Thus, the following rules should be implemented when determining whether or not it should be on your plate:

–if God didn’t make it, don’t eat it.
–if you cannot pronounce an ingredient in a food, don’t eat it.
–if it hasn’t been on this earth for 5000+ years, don’t eat it.
–if it won’t keep your dog alive, don’t eat it.
–the more ingredients in a food, the worse it is for you.

–the longer the shelf life of a food, the worse it is for you (the exceptions to the rule are raw seeds/nuts and fermented foods like sauerkraut).
–stay away from HYDROGENATED /PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED foods (baked goods are a major culprit).
–stay away from ARTIFICIAL COLORS/SWEETENERS/FLAVORS or PRESERVATIVES (just about anything pre-packaged).

–eat organic/local—it’s better for you and the environment.

–eat a balance of macronutrients (carbohydrate/fat/protein) at every meal/snack.

What we put into our mouths is recognized by the body as either a food or a toxin.  Food supports and nourishes the body, allowing a miraculous array of chemical reactions to take place to run our metabolic pathways.  Toxins, on the other hand, must be eliminated before they can reach dangerous levels and threaten the very survival of the body.

Of course, it takes nutrition from REAL food to “take out this trash.”  When these nutrients are unavailable, as so often happens from eating typical, processed to death non-foods (foods so void of nutrition that they take more from the body than they give), the body cannot get rid of these toxins.  Nature has provided us, however, with an ingenious method to store these toxins safely until such factors are present that allow us to eliminate them.  It’s called fat.  Not just a storage site for excess calories, one of fat’s major roles in the body is to attract toxins and store them away from essential bodily organs.

The average American eats approximately 150lbs of carcinogenic food additives each year.  Our nutrition is so poor that we could not hope to assimilate and metabolize all of the C.R.A.P. (Caffeine, Refined sugar/flour, Alcohol, Pasteurized dairy/juice) not to mention pesticides, artificial colors/flavors, and preservatives commonly found in the American diet.  The result is weight gain as the body shuttles this barrage of toxins into our fat stores.  Additionally, all of these processed non-foods actually rob us of nutrition: to digest this mountain of C.R.A.P., the protein, vitamins, and other essential nutrients our food should have provided are stolen from our tissues.  This creates inefficient organs, weaker muscles, and brittle bones and teeth.   We’re literally starving to death on full stomachs!  Fortunately, books by people like Paul Chek, Loren Cordain, or Michael Pollan are getting into the hands of more people who are becoming increasingly concerned with their internal environment.

The default solution for a faulty diet is typically exercise.  But performed incorrectly, it can only magnify the dietary destruction.  Thus, the inclusion of Movement as the fifth subject in the Veteran’s Code of Health is incredibly important.  After all, exercise is a stress.  And if you stress as system which is already under load, you risk breaking that system.

The body is meant to move.  Movement helps blood circulation and lymph flow, allowing the body to deliver nutrition and eliminate toxins as well as other byproducts of cellular functioning.  But it takes energy to exercise.  And if a person is energy deficient secondary to detrimental lifestyle considerations that have kept the SNS in a state of perpetual stimulation, then there is nothing left for that person to give.  Working out can literally be the straw which broke the camel’s back.  The solution then is not to workout but to work in.

In contrast to working out, when a person is actually taking energy and resources away from the body, working in is any activity which helps increase the vitality of an individual.  Examples include tai chi, basic yoga, or even gentle walking.  Paul Chek, in his book How to Eat, Move, and Be Healthy, lists a number of different movements which he refers to as Zone Exercises.  All of them are extremely effective at balancing the autonomic nervous systems (i.e. the SNS and PNS) as they help move chi or “life force” through the body.  Whatever the chosen movement, it should finish with the body feeling energized and healthier than before the activity began.

Like working in movements, one of the fundamental qualities of the body is that it is rhythmic, following predictable cycles which have become deeply ingrained in our physiology.  One of these cycles is Sleep.  And it’s the final concept the veteran, indeed anyone, must understand for true health to be fully realized.

For generations, humans have gotten up with the sun and gone to bed within a few hours of sunset.  Our bodies are literally designed to function on, not just a sufficient amount of sleep, but on a specific time for sleep, as well.  The release of growth hormone and other anabolic hormones happens predominately between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. while the second half of the sleep cycle is devoted to psychogenic repair between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.  Staying up until midnight to watch T.V. or work on the computer robs the body of two hours of physical recovery.  This error excites the SNS and results in an inability to recover from exercise or the activities of daily living.  Aches and pains soon become chronic and the immune system weakens, allowing the body to become susceptible to pathogens from both inside and outside the body.  In fact, medical professionals recognize shift work and ignoring our circadian rhythms as second only to smoking in the number and severity of adverse effects on our health.  So turn off those lights, shut off the television, get into bed by 10 p.m., and turn those dreams of health into reality.

All six subjects in the Veteran’s Code of Health are the basis on which wellness is built; only with a solid foundation in every one of them can a person build high levels of vitality and peak functioning.  While all of us are born with the right to sincerely honor ourselves, veterans have sacrificed so much that giving everything to others is their modus operandi.  However, even the ones who put country before anything else should understand a key teaching in quantum physics—we are all connected.  Thus, what we do to ourselves, we do to others.  For a veteran to faithfully serve; for a veteran to truly protect, he must first begin within.  The Veteran’s Code of Health will show him how.

Part One of Article: Click Here

Of course, each of the concepts above has only been briefly introduced.  For a more thorough discussion on how you can take responsibility for yourself and be in control of your own health destiny, visit the author’s website at


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Akashic Records – My Reading about Writing

So…the other day I came across someone who was offering to read my Akashic Record for five bucks.  I’ve heard about the Akashic Records from a few of my more mythical friends, and I decided to give it a shot.

The way this works is, a special akashic reader (a psychic) will go into the records (through deep  meditation, etc) and then will find an answer to your question.


“How do I take my writing to the next level?”


Thank you for your order and for allowing me a glimpse into your Akashic Records. It is always an honour.

The first thing I see is that you are trying to control the outcome a little. Writing is a little like magic and most great writing comes from channelled words from spirit.

Spirit says when you are doing your best writing you are completely surrendered into the moment and everything seems to write itself. The problem is getting to this zoned in feeling. – True, but that can pretty much be said about anything.

Meditation is your best bet until you find a way to get into the zone without thinking about it.

I’m getting June and spirit is saying that that will be an amazing month for you regarding your writing.

Spirit is also saying that being one with nature is another way to connect to the part of you from spirit that is helping you write.

I’m feeling a guide around you also who has been there starting from last year who is helping you write. You can smell him around you. It smells like an odd after shave from long time ago. Like alcohol but not liquor type alcohol. – I’m not too sure about the alcohol smell; however, there are only two smells that are linked to memories of things/people, and one of those is the smell of an after shave that an old Army buddy used to wear.

It is important to set goals and tell spirit what the plan is so they can help you.

Is it connected to science fiction in any way? I’m feeling that energy around you. – I am writing a science fiction book with a buddy of mine, but that’s in line behind three other books.

Keep a small diary of when you are writing the best. Ie. If you are having an amazing day and went for a walk and got home and felt like writing like crazy or you had an argument with someone and didn’t feel like writing that sort of thing. Find out what makes the words flow.

There is a subliminal mp3 you can buy through realsubliminal and their mp3’s work amazing. There is one for writing.

So in answer to your question from spirit they advise is to “let go” a little and realize that your wisest words will come from that part of you that is in spirit.

Remember you are exactly where you are meant to be and the book has already been written in spirit. It is just as matter of getting the words on paper. – I like the idea that the book is already written, and as a writer I’ve just got to find the right words and put them to paper.

2013 is an amazing writing year for you by the way. – Ya, we’ll see.

Final Thoughts:

For five bucks, it was interesting.  Nothing earth shattering, but interesting nonetheless.  I did like the idea of keeping a journal of when I have good writing days/times and when I have bad writing/days times.  I’ve kept a food journal before that was similar (keeping track of how I felt after eating certain foods) but I never thought of keeping a writing journal of my most and least productive times, so I definitely liked that idea.  But in general, it just seemed like a ‘rah’ ‘rah’ pick me up.

Michael Anthony is an Iraq War Veteran and is the Author of: Mass Casualties: A Young Medic’s True Story of Death, Destruction, and Dishonor in Iraq.

Audio, Best Of, Blogishness, Blogishness, Self Improvement / Healthy Living, Self Improvement / Healthy Living

Landmark Education Forum: A Thorough Review

landmark forum reviewAnyone who’s heard of Landmark Education knows they’re an organization clouded in controversy.  There have been rumors of everything from it being the best personal development program ever, to being a cult.  I’d read all the reviews of the program and even watched a documentary about the original founder of Landmark (EST) Werner Erhard.  After it was all said and done, I was too skeptical about Landmark to do the program…then Time Magazine and BusinessWeek (within a few weeks of one another) had reviews about Landmark and what a great program it was—both articles praised it as a great program for business people.  At that point, I decided to give it a go.  I figured, best case scenario, I would go to Landmark and it would be the best personal development program ever, worst case scenario, if it was a cult, I could at least infiltrate it and write a good story about what a cult it is.

I was initially planning on doing a different blog post with a review of each day; however, after the program, a thorough review of each day is unwarranted.

Day 1:

First off: I am utterly convinced that anyone who thinks that Landmark Education is a cult, is an idiot; it is a personal development program, and from day one to day three, it’s clear that that’s all it is.  It’s just a program to help people deal with their issues.

Day one can be summarized as: What Happened VS Perception: The Stories that we Tell ourselves(Pictures below).

landmark forum honest review

Certain events happen in a person’s life and they attach a story to these events.  The facts of the situation are what happened, and the story about why what happened, happened, is our perception.  The main point to note is that perception isn’t fact, its perception.


You’re on your way to work and your car breaks down.  You arrive to work five minutes late and your boss starts yelling at you, “You’re late.  You’re always late.  You’re a horrible employee.”

This upsets you and you start telling yourself what a jerk you boss is, and you tell yourself that he must hate you.

The story that we tell ourselves is “he’s a jerk,” “he hates me,” but those aren’t facts, they’re perceptions, they’re stories that we tell ourselves.  We only say “he’s a jerk,” because he did or said something that made us associate him as a jerk.  Is it a fact that he’s a jerk?  NO, it’s not a fact.  But the story that we tell ourselves is that he’s a jerk and we accept it as a fact.  We then go around complain to anyone who will listen and say, “my boss is a jerk.”  And of course telling yourself  that your boss is a jerk and treating him like he’s one and complain all day and telling yourself all day that he’s a jerk, is going to put you in a pretty crummy mood.

So when something happens, just ask yourself why you’re telling yourself the story that you’re telling yourself—and ask yourself if it’s a fact, or a story.

Day 2:

Day two started off with people talking about the breakthroughs they’d had since day one.  (A LOT of people actually had a LOT of breakthroughs in that twenty-four hour period.)  The first few hours of day two was a combinations of people talking about their breakthroughs and Landmark pushing its other products.

After Landmark selling its other programs and after the breakthroughs , they started talking about responsibility:  Personal Responsibility.  Basically it’s the aspect of a person taking responsibility for their lives and what happen in their lives.


If someone’s an alcoholic, what happens is they’ll often say to themselves, “It’s not my fault.  I only drink because my dad drank…or my dad beat me.  If he never beat me, I wouldn’t be an alcoholic.”

A lot of people had a lot of problems with day two.  They didn’t like the idea of having to stop blaming other people, and start taking responsibility for themselves.  No one’s father made they become an alcoholic.

It reminds me of the old story of twin brothers.  These twin brothers had a very abuse and alcoholic father.  Their dad used to beat them, neglect them, etc.  Both of the boys grew up.  One of them became a very successful businessman who used his riches to help other people in abusive relationships.  The other grew up to become a drug addict and alcoholic.  When the first twin (the successful one) was asked what motivated him to work so hard to succeed and then give back to charity, he responded, “Well, growing up with an alcoholic father who beat me, how could I not work hard to leave home and become a success, and then use my money to help others.”  When the other brother was interviewed (the drug addict and alcoholic) and was asked why he became a drug addict and alcoholic, he responded, “Well, growing up with an alcoholic father who beat me, how could I not become a drug addict and alcoholic.”

Same situation, different stories they told themselves.  One brother used his upbringing to drive him to succeed and the other brother used his upbringing as an excuse to blame his father for all his short coming and problems.

Day 3:

Day three started off with a LOT more selling of other Landmark programs.  Day three was also the day that was supposed to bring day one and day two together.  After all the promoting of Landmark’s other programs, the beginning of day three was, again, about people talking about the breakthrough’s that they’d had in the past forty-eight hours—there were a lot of breakthrough’s, and a lot of crying.

I can’t go into detail about all the breakthrough that people had (because we all agreed to keep things confidential) but people had breakthrough is every walk of life, from people going through divorces, people who were abused as children, people who lost their job, people who hadn’t spoken to a family member in twenty years.  There was a little bit of everything and they all benefited.

Day three was about living a life where we’re aware of the stories that we tell ourselves, and it was about living a life where we all take personal responsibility for our actions and our emotions and feelings.   Imagine a world where people didn’t fret about the “stories” that we tell ourselves and instead only dealt with the facts of a situation.  Imagine a world where people take personal responsibility for their actions.  Day three was all about perpetuating this in our lives.

The Positive: Landmark gave people an opportunity to look at their issues from a different point of view.  It gave people an opportunity to see whether the stories that they’re telling themselves are true or are just “stories.”  It gave people an opportunity to take responsibility of their lives—for the good stuff, and the bad.  A fast majority of the people who went to Landmark seemed to get something out of the training, although some people’s nuggets of gold were substantially larger then other people’s.

The negative: If you have a serious issue in your life that you need to get worked out, Landmark is the company for you.  If you’ve got a drinking or drug problem, Landmark is for you.  If you have an issue with your mother or father, or a brother or sister, Landmark is for you.  If you’re going through a divorce, Landmark is for you.   If someone important in your life passed away, Landmark is for you.

If you don’t have any serious issues: Landmark might not be for you, yet.  Yeah, you’ll get something from the program, everyone does, but if you don’t have any serious issues or problems, Landmark might not be right for you—at this time in your life—and might come across as a waste of time and money.  But if you do have a serious problem, Landmark Education is the place to go and it’ll change your life for the better.

For more information on the Landmark Forum, the following book is the best on the market. It details what Landmark forum is, from its founding, to what it’s become. It’s written by Luke Rhinehart, with a forward by Werner Erhard, and an introduction by Joe Vitale (bit redundant with an introduction, and a foreword, but still, it’s an interesting book).


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Michael Anthony – American Soldier – Acoustic Original

Acoustic Version of the American Soldier Poem




American Soldier Poem

When I say… I am an American Soldier

I’m not shouting I’m better than you,

I’m whispering, I was a boy, and now find myself a man.


When I say… I am an American Soldier

I speak not only of this with pride

I’m also confessing that I stumble, make mistakes,

And need competent leadership to help guide me,

So I in turn, can be a competent leader.


When I say… I am an American Soldier

I’m not trying to be strong,

I’m professing that I am weak

And need the strength of my peers and country,

To help carry me on.


When I say… I am an American Soldier

I’m not bragging of past successes

I’m admitting I have failed in the past

Admitted the mistakes, and tried to right the wrongs.


When I say… I am an American Soldier

I’m not claiming to be perfect,

My flaws are far too visible

But my country needs me,

And I soldier on.


When I say… I am an American Soldier

I can still feel the sting of pain,

From seeing those that I care about die,

While we fight for those that we love.

I have my share of heartaches,

So I call upon the American people,

To help guide our soldiers, when home.


When I say… I am an American Soldier

I’m not saying anything,

I’m just a simple man,

Who was called upon his country…

To fight.

Written By: Michael Anthony

(Inspired by Carol Wimmer)


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American Soldier Poem – Original Reading – Michael Anthony

Best Of, Blogishness, Blogishness

Rise Against – Hero of War – Acoustic Cover



Hero of War – Song Lyrics

He said, “Son, have you seen the world?
Well, what would you say if I said that you could?
Just carry this gun, you’ll even get paid”
I said, “That sounds pretty good”

Black leather boots, spit shined so bright
They cut off my hair but it looks alright
We marched and we sang
We all became friends as we learned how to fight

A hero of war, yeah that’s what I’ll be
And when I come home they’ll be damn proud of me
I’ll carry this flag to the grave if I must
‘Cause it’s flag that I love and a flag that I trust

I kicked in the door, I yelled my commands
The children they cried but I got my man
We took him away, a bag over his face
From his family and his friends

They took off his clothes, they pissed in his hands
I told them to stop but then I joined in
We beat him with guns and batons
Not just once but again and again

A hero of war, yeah that’s what I’ll be
And when I come home they’ll be damn proud of me
I’ll carry this flag to the grave if I must
‘Cause it’s flag that I love and a flag that I trust

She walked through bullets and haze
I asked her to stop, I begged her to stay
But she pressed on
So I lifted my gun and I fired away

And the shells jumped through the smoke
And into the sand that the blood now had soaked
She collapsed with a flag in her hand
A flag white as snow

A hero of war is that what they see
Just medals and scars, so damn proud of me
And I brought home that flag, now it gathers dust
But it’s a flag that I love, it’s the only flag I trust

He said, “Son, have you seen the world?
Well, what would you say if I said that you could?”


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Lee Greenwood – God Bless the USA – Acoustic Cover

American Soldier Song – Acoustic Original

Best Of, Blogishness, Blogishness

Lee Greenwood – God Bless the USA – Acoustic Cover

New Acoustic Cover of Lee Greenwood’s song God Bless The USA.

One of my favorite songs!



God Bless The USA – Song Lyrics

If tomorrow all the things were gone,
I’d worked for all my life.
And I had to start again,
with just my children and my wife.

I’d thank my lucky stars,
to be livin here today.
‘Cause the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can’t take that away.

And I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.

From the lakes of Minnesota,
to the hills of Tennessee.
Across the plains of Texas,
From sea to shining sea.

From Detroit down to Houston,
and New York to L.A.
Well there’s pride in every American heart,
and its time we stand and say.

That I’m proud to be an American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.

And I’m proud to be and American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.


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Rise Against – Hero of War- Acoustic Cover

American Soldier – Acoustic Original

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How to Use the Internet to Get Across Your Message

Learning how to use the Internet to get across your message is one of the most important things you can master. Let’s say that you have a business, a cause or a non profit organization. In order for you to grow your company or organization, you need to influence many people.

Before you are able to influence them, you need to get in touch with them. The Internet is the perfect solution for this. It allows for the most targeted experience. You can target the exact people you want at the right time.

The following tips will teach you how to use the Internet to get across your message:

#1: Stand for something.

It’s not enough to have a point of view. You have to be bold about it. You can use Twitter, Facebook, forums, your website, blogs and more places to debate your point of view. People are natural followers. If they feel that you know what you are talking about, they will follow you. They will polarize themselves and your power will increase as a result.

#2: Put yourself out there.

Create a website where you describe your objectives. People will know your style and they will have the opportunity to help you accomplish what you want. Appeal to their interest.

#3: Go where they are.

Some people may know they need your product or service. But they don’t know about it. This is why it’s important to go where they are. Advertise on the websites they visit. Write a blog post as a guest on a popular blog. Make friends with many important bloggers.

#4: Participate in little wars.

Whenever something controversial happens, you can take one side or the other. This will create awareness of yourself, business or ideas.

#5: Make them feel special and engaged.

People want to feel like they are part of a group. Make them involved. Give them missions. Ask for their help and help them to create what they want. Show them that it is possible.

The above tips will help you use the Internet to get across your message. They aren’t very different from what works in the real world. The advantage of the Internet is that everything happens faster. You can reach many more people much faster. And you can do it even for free.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Media

Best Of, Blogishness, Politics / News

Top Reasons Why Group Movements in Politics Are So Important

Group movements in politics are truly important. Politics deal mostly with making decisions at a group level. So you can’t talk about politics unless you also talk about group movements.

Group movements are important in politics because of the following reasons:

#1: Group movements may turn the situation violent.

When the power of the group is unleashed, governments can do very little about it. They will have to abdicate or do what the group wants.

On the other side, it may take decades until group movements become strong enough. The process is slow. Politicians can afford to ignore them for a while.

#2: Politics were designed to lead the masses of people.

Politics are all about leading groups of people. Every person in politics tries to appeal to the highest number of people. This is why even those who are really smart have to talk dumb ideas. Politicians want people to be caught in the enthusiasm of their personality and vision. Everything rational is ignored.

#3: Group movements are always motivated by survival needs.

All group movements happened in history because people didn’t have enough to eat. They didn’t happen because of the suppression of people’s rights or freedoms alone. Group movements are not motivated by freedom even when they claim to want freedom. “Milk and honey” is the promised land.

#4: All group movements ignore the idea of an independent individual.

Group movements promote enthusiasm over self esteem and blind faith over rational thinking. People are also influenced by the opinions of the people they associate with. This process attracts even more people in the group.

#5: Control the rules of the group movement and you will control the people’s mind.

Group movements start with the idea of creating a better future. People are running from their miserable and meaningless lives. They want to be part of something exciting. They want to believe in something bigger than themselves.

Their sense of self is dissolved into the self of the crowd. The rules of the crowd become their own rules. They will protect the group and further the group’s agenda. This is why the leader who controls the group controls the people’s mind as well.

The above ideas tell you why group movements have such an immense power in politics. Group movements shape societies. They are formed out of irrational individuals who don’t think for themselves. Everyone is susceptible to the influence of a group movement.