Blogishness, Self Improvement / Healthy Living, Self Improvement / Healthy Living

Spring Break: Going Raw Vegan For the Week

It’s Spring Break this week at my school and since I’m too broke and don’t have enough time to do anything to celebrate spring break, I’ve decided to go raw vegan for the week.  I’ve tried going vegan before, but never as a raw vegan.

I’m working on a new book though, and hopefully the healthy eating will give me some extra energy and mental dexterity.

Going Vegan Means:

No: Meat-fish, poultry, etc. No: cheese or milk. No: eggs.

And since I’m going raw.  That means I can’t eat anything that’s cooked.  No pasta or pizza.  No tofu or stir fry.  Nada.

We’ll see what happens.  I’ve heard that when someone goes straight to a raw vegan diet, it can send their body into shock–no kidding, eating healthy can actually send the body into shock if it’s not used to it.

I’m doing it because every now and again we need to change things up.  I mean, just think how often we go for years without thinking about what we eat.  We just eat because of what’s convenient, cheap and taste good.  Now, I’m going to have to think about everything that I eat and plan every meal so that I get all the necessary nutrients and levels of protein.   And hopefully, like the studies say, I’ll be feeling great, full of energy, and able to function with a lot less sleep.   (Going raw vegan is supposed to have almost mythological effects, we’ll see though. )  A week is probably too short to gauge, so this might end up being longer.

Also, another reason I’m doing it: the challenge.  I often notice that people outside of the military don’t challenge themselves.  (When is the last time you challenged yourself?)  In the military we’re forced to push ourselves and see what we’re made of: Physical training, job training, cold weather and warm weather training, eating MRE’s, fighting wars, etc.  I figured this is just another thing for me to challenge myself with; and for those of you who don’t think this is a challenge, believe me, it is.  My top thirty foods all consists of cooked animals.  It’s gonna suck.

But we’ll see what happens.  Day 1 begins today, Monday.

Read Part Two Of This Post: Here.

Best Of, Blogishness, Blogishness

Veteran Photography Project

Since I’ve redesigned the site, I wanted to post up some of the important blog posts from the old site.

The first one that comes to mind is a photography project that a friend is working on.

His name is Jeffrey Sisto and he was a photographer in the Marines.  He’s now out of the Marines and is a full time photographer.  One of the projects that he’s working on is of veterans that are out of the military or just got back from overseas.  The photos that he takes are great; nowadays all we see in news are photos of troops going to war or when they just come home, but we never get so see or hear anything about them a week, month or year later.  What Jeff captures is these veterans after they’ve been out, or been back for a while, after they’ve had time to think and compartmentalize.  He really captures something within all the vets.

Here’s some pictures he took of me when I first got back from Iraq (I’d only been home for about two months when he took them).

Here’s a link to Jeff’s Project: