One of the possible subjects in writing military essays is the issues that surround veterans and prisoners of war. There are quite a many issue involving veterans and POWs, which should be addressed not only by military essays and reports but also of their respective governments. Veterans and POWs often get special attention from their respective countries because of the sacrifices they made during a conflict.
Before naming the issues, it may be helpful to define first the words “veteran” and “POW.” Military essays often used jargons understandable by a few people, and it is better if readers know what this article is referring to. The term veteran used in this composition refers to any military individual who has experienced being directly involved or exposed to acts of armed conflicts. The term POW, meanwhile, refers to any individual, whether civilian or combatant, who was held in custody by an opposing side during or after an armed conflict.
One issue that surrounds veterans and POWs is that some of them have found it very hard to adjust to normal life after retiring from military service. Some of them have developed suicidal tendencies and penchant for violence and alcohol problems. Not a few veterans and POWS have developed post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. This disorder causes severe fear and helplessness after exposure to any event that could psychological trauma like wars.
Another issue that involves veterans and POWs is the lack of government support or care for veterans and POWs. According to an article in the London Metro, many war veterans “plunged into alcohol problems, crime and suicide” upon their return from a conflict, since not enough was done to care for them. Many veterans and POWs also succumbed to homelessness and relationship deteriorations. Instead of getting support, they are now suffering.
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